フリーランス マリ子のブログ 今日も楽しく生きよう。

フリーランス マリ子のブログ

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Is Business the Same as Love Relationship?


As a sales rep, there are two important tasks.

One is to develop relationships with the new clients and the other is supporting them to keep the deal.

Mr.K, who was my ex–coworker, was good to complete new agreements with his courageous character and passionate presentation.

He was successful in closing the deal with a new excellent firm, which had been in relationship with another company in the same field.

I was totally impressed.✨✨

But one day in two years, this excellent firm stopped the business with us and resumed the deal with the company they had business before us.

I heard that the sales rep of our rival company had kept on visiting the president of this firm even after the deal ended, saying "I don't care if it leads to business or not."and provided useful information for him and about our field.

I was impressed by this sales rep.

What a strong mentality and tenacity !😆

If I put this into a love relationship, it's like asking out my ex to have lunch sometimes as a friend even after he dumped me for a new girl, but get him back two years later.

Well, Mr.K seemed not to have supported the client after the agreements so much.

About the fact that the client had settled down to our competitor, Mr.K excused himself by saying,"They must have suggested cheaper price than ours." without analyzing the reason of the break up.

Maybe both you and my clients have been invited by competitors.

Sometimes my clients tells me that they receive sales calls.

Why are we chosen by the clients?

Let's do our best to meet their needs and keep on trying to be the chosen one.😉
